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    Simple Meal Plan to Lose Weight

    11th September, 2023

    Healthy Weight Loss Diet Tips

    If you have the right plan and lead a disciplined life, getting rid of those extra kilos is not really hard. Probably sweating it out at the gym and creating a storm with the cardio is not the only way out.

    To get a chiselled look, you must follow a healthy weight-loss meal plan that will help burn down those extra calories. It's also logical that your one-hour gym session will leave you with twenty-three hours for a single slip-up. The moment you start relishing a can of artificially sweetened beverages or some deeply fried chips, your workout goes down the drain. Having a healthy diet is an essential part of fitness goals.

    Priorities for Weight Loss

    Weight reduction is a key priority for many people nowadays. Obesity has afflicted a large percentage of the population. Many people still assume that they must eat bland meals or fast intermittently to lose weight, which is untrue.

    It can be beneficial only if you mix a balanced weight-loss diet with a consistent exercise routine. Nutritionists suggest that there are three basic rules to lose weight:

    • Eat dinner as early as possible
    • Avoid sugar
    • Stay away from junk

    Usually, the diet you eat has a lot of calories. It's not a good idea to reduce them abruptly. The slower you go, the healthier it is for your body. You should not set an unattainable diet goal for yourself. It is best to avoid skipping meals. Poor diet causes your metabolic rate to slow down. It is critical to divide your meals into 6-7 smaller meals that are consumed more often.

    You should not be concerned with immediate outcomes. Someone does not acquire or lose kilos overnight. You must consume the right foods and follow a fitness routine that makes you feel good. Instead of checking your weight regularly, you should examine the different percentages.

    Focusing on the glycemic index is also recommended by nutritionists. Maintaining a medium glycemic diet is critical if you want to keep your energy levels up. Each meal should include protein. Milk, yogurt, butter, and protein-rich seafood can lower the glycemic level.

    Weight-Loss Strategies for Easy Meal Plan


    Drinking ample water, at least two to three liters daily is good for your health since it helps you avoid dehydration. Beginning the day with a glass of warm water and some brewed herbs, accompanied by two to three almonds are ideal. Weight loss starts with the following things:

    • Making healthy choices while eating
    • Getting your statistics right
    • Recording your daily activities and progress
    • Learning new skills to prevent weight regain

    There are several ways in which a simple meal plan can work for weight loss and fulfill your individual needs. You can start by identifying the potential challenges to the diet plan. You can keep account of the days by maintaining a journal. You must keep your commitments. Planning ahead is essential, and most importantly, you must stick to it.

    You can also try to manage some time from your busy schedule and engage in various activities. For example, by cooking a whole chicken and shredding it, you have the ingredients for several weekly meals. You can comfortably make a chicken salad with a pinch of olive oil to chili chicken.

    You must also have in mind healthy recipes which the family will enjoy. You can substitute vegetable oil with olive oil, grill instead of frying, and vegetables instead of starches.

    What to Eat on a Meal Plan?

    Meal planning is indeed the most important step. Meals should be more intentional, purposeful, and tailormade to suit your needs.

    For breakfast, a spring omelet with mixed fruit makes a healthy recipe. On other days of the week, you can pair up protein-packed pancakes with low-carb slices of pizza. Different combinations can include banana peanut butter, protein bread roll with apples all sliced up.

    For Lunch, you can opt for chicken biryani or meatballs with mashed sweet potatoes with Rocca salad or mango Rocca salad.

    When it comes to in-between meals, getting healthy snacks in the evening such as orange slices or bananas with dark chocolates can be a good idea.

    Dinner can be packed up with grilled and mixed vegetables, and mushroom dressing. You can also take low-carb wraps. To go low on protein, you can also eat a tuna and vegetable salad with mustard sauce.

    Calorie-controlled meal plans are concrete for losing weight. The total calorific value of these meals keeps them in a range of 1200-1400 calories. Maintaining a healthy calorie intake is the secret to revitalizing your body and transforming it. You must also track when you need to move from a weight-loss strategy to a muscle-building plan to maintain the proper balance.

    A vegan Meal Plan for calorie loss is becoming popular in Dubai and across UAE. Eating meat and animal products raises blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart attacks. However, it does not mean that if you must abstain from eating animal products today, your health will improve tomorrow. A few healthy tips to eat a vegan diet are given below:

    • You can make a batch of vegan pancakes, eat them on alternative days, and store them to use later.
    • You may utilize quinoa, which is versatile and may be consumed two times a week for lunch or supper.
    • Oatmeal is similarly healthy and can be kept for up to one month in an airtight container.
    • Sliced fruits and vegetables can be eaten as snacks and can be used in salads. Soups and curries can also be made with them.

    Final Thoughts

    Our nutritionist advises you on the safest approach to losing weight. Following a hectic work schedule and eating correctly, a gradual weight reduction of one to three kilos per week is suggested.

    Many meal plans leave you hungry and unsatisfied, and sticking to them may be difficult for anybody. But following a nutritious diet and healthy habits, you can see the marked differences in no time.

    For a healthful lifestyle, you can reduce daily carbohydrate consumption and increase good fat consumption. A high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet impacts your body by lowering the amount of carbs you burn and replacing them with stimulating fat.

    A low-carb diet suppresses hunger, allowing you to consume fewer calories while remaining satiated. Whole grains have a higher fiber content since they are low in calories. A low-carb diet is more beneficial for weight loss among the elderly.

    You must also consume a sufficient amount of protein, fat, and veggies, as it aids weight reduction by preserving muscular mass. Fish, meat, eggs, and plant-based proteins like beans and tofu are all excellent protein sources. Broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, and tomato are all weight-loss vegetables.

    As the weather is so hot in Dubai, a vegan diet is a good option for weight management. A healthy meal is essential and, when followed correctly, will yield noticeable benefits.

    Reach out to start your fitness journey with us!

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