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    Eat Healthy and Stay Fit

    11th September, 2023

    A Guide to the Healthy Foods You Need for Fitting in Your Swimming Suit

    Let us be honest! Most of us have been there. That beach vacation or that visit to the swimming pool in your favourite country club where you were apprehensive of your body weight and shape and struggled to fit into your swimming suit.

    You may think that joining a Pilate class, Yoga class, or Zumba class or just doing simple training at the gym would suffice in getting rid of those extra fats, but if you don't combine that with a healthy diet, then you won't be able to see the desired results.

    This is why we are presenting before you a list of healthy food items that will pave the way for you to fit into your swimming suit. And with the physical difference, your confidence will get a boost. So, without any further ado, let us get straight into them.

    What to Eat to Get into the Best Shape?

    Personal taste is subjective. Therefore, instead of stating dishes, we are directly listing the food items. After going through them, you can consult our restaurant and order the healthy meal plan in Dubai of your choice that features the following ingredients.


    Asparagus is a slow-energy food that helps in normalizing your blood sugar level. In addition, asparagus also helps in controlling unnecessary bloating and water retention. So, be sure to include it in your lunch or dinner.

    For those suffering from constipation, asparagus is of great help since it acts as a laxative. It also serves as a stimulant to your kidneys and liver. It is one of the best sources of beta-carotene and vitamin C.


    Brussels sprouts

    Losing weight is easier when you include Brussels sprouts in your diet since it is one of the most nutritious and low-calorie vegetables that you can include in your meals.

    In order to reap the most benefits out of this fibre-rich food, you need to incorporate it slowly and steadily into your diet.


    Many people struggle to find the perfect alternative to their main course of rice or pasta. Eating healthy doesn't necessarily have to mean that you need to starve yourself. We have a great solution for you in this specific area. Bring home quinoa and have them for your early morning breakfast. Highly nutritious, it's a great way to start the day.

    Containing all the nine essential elements of amino acids, it is rich in protein but won't build up fat in your body. Quinoa is essentially a seed that is rich in vitamins, fibre, antioxidants, and minerals.

    Red bell peppers

    Red bell peppers are great for your digestive system and help in boosting your metabolism, which obviously means that you would be able to lose all those extra fat that inhibits you from wearing your favourite swimming suit.

    They are a high source of beta-carotene and vitamin C and you can either eat them raw or cook them lightly in vegetable oil. You can also choose to prepare a juice of it and have it as a healthy beverage.

    Greek Yoghurt

    Plain Greek yoghurt has zero quantity of fat and a whole lot of probiotics. Not to forget, it is also rich in protein and helps in satiating your need for daily calcium. Feel free to add some fresh fruits or turn your Greek yoghurt into a parfait to introduce variation to it.

    Yoghurt usually contains sugar, which makes it tastier but not the healthiest. Greek yoghurt, on the other hand, is gluten-free and even lactose-intolerant people can enjoy it. Remember, not to have those flavoured Greek yoghurt since they contain diabetic elements.


    The next food item on our list of healthy foods item that would help you in fitting in your swimsuit is pears. Whether you want to have it raw or make a juice or smoothie or include it in your fruit salad, pears go with so many things.

    Extremely rich in pectin (a highly soluble fibre), it helps in keeping your digestive tract healthy. Furthermore, it also helps in keeping your bone strong since it is high in calcium. Your heart will also be happy since it has high potassium content.


    When it comes to swimsuits, not only do you need to shape up properly, but you also need to get healthy skin. And what better way to take care of both these aspects than grapefruit? It will also keep you hydrated due to its water content.

    Vitamin C would keep your skin healthy and it will also help in boosting your metabolism and reducing your insulin level.


    Now, at first glance, you might feel that eggs will make you fat. But, that's a misconception. They are rich in protein and fat and have a whole lot of amino acids. This ensures that you feel full after consuming them.

    The protein that is found in eggs not only helps in burning fats but also builds muscles, which, in turn, allows you to have a more toned body. Add to the fact that they are extremely versatile, you can put them in any meal plan of your choice.


    The best thing about berries is that despite having so few calories, they are packed with fibres and antioxidants, which gives you the feeling of being full. Moreover, they also help in rejuvenating the blood flow.

    So, put them in your milkshakes or just pop them raw or make juice out of them, whatever you prefer.



    Looking for something sweet and tropical? Look no further than pineapple. It is a great accelerator for toning your body and you would be able to lose all those extra belly fat.

    In addition, it is also rich in bromelain, which is an essential digestive enzyme that helps in reducing gas. And it is sweet to your taste bud too! So, it checks so many health options!


    Many of us often feel the need to eat something even after having a large meal. So, instead of chomping down on high-calorie dessert, we suggest you get a handful of celery.

    This is because they help in lowering fluid retention, thereby giving you the sense of being full without adding too many calories to your body.


    So, now that you know the most important food items that help you tone your body, include them in your breakfast, lunch, supper, and dinner. One of the best parts about these food items is that most of them go well with specialized diets such as green diet, classic diet, and keto meal plan, among others.

    Thus, eat healthy, continue exercising and get ready to rock that swimsuit of yours. After all, summer is here and all of us need to hit the beach and spend time near the pool.

    Reach out to start your fitness journey with us!

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