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    Breaking the Weight Loss Plateau

    11th September, 2023

    Diet Tips to Break Away from Weight-Loss Plateau and Belly Bulge

    "Weight loss doesn't begin in the gym with a dumbbell; it starts in your head with a decision."

    Every third person suffers from weight issues. The major problem occurs when the excess fat starts developing around the waist. This belly fat is also known as visceral fat. Excess belly fat increases the risk of various health issues. It is not only essential to get rid of belly fat to be in shape and look decent, but also because it can be dangerous for the body. It can cause health conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, etc.

    In several cases, belly fat can be really stubborn at times, which is annoying. No matter how many hours you might put into working out or dieting, it doesn't budge. This phenomenon is called the weight loss plateau; most individuals want to eliminate this body situation. Now the question arises how it happens? There are 2-3 reasons behind it. If a person loses weight quickly, the metabolism slows down. After a period of 6-7 months, the body starts adapting to weight loss and thereby defends itself from further trimming.

    People suffering from potbelly and weight-loss plateau start indulging in workouts like plank, crunches, lunges, etc. Other popular pursuits include cardio activities like jogging, swimming, cycling, etc., for which people go crazy. However, without consuming a healthy and balanced diet, this belly bulge or plateau becomes mulish, and then you may think that you will never be able to get rid of this problem.

    But the point that really makes sense over here is opting for some core training. Picking up some weight along with cutting off the junk and fast food from your diet can save your ship from drowning due to excessive fat. Hence, making some dietary changes along with a regular workout can definitely get you into better shape.

    Understanding the Weight Loss Plateau

    The weight loss plateau refers to a phase during a weight loss journey where progress stalls and the scale does not reflect any significant changes despite ongoing efforts. This occurs due to various factors, including metabolic adaptations, decreased calorie expenditure, and potential muscle gain. Understanding the weight loss plateau is important because it can be frustrating and demotivating. Recognizing that it is a normal part of the process allows individuals to reassess their strategies, make necessary adjustments, and continue working towards their weight loss goals with renewed focus and determination.

    Things to Consider

    A Balance Between Dieting and Training

    You should always keep in mind that dieting and working out go hand in hand. If you are only dieting and not doing any exercise or vice versa, this can be one reason for the weight-loss plateau. Training is also said to increase the chances of leading a healthy and disease-free life. Consuming a balanced diet can act as a catalyst for this process. People who indulge in daily exercise or the gym freaks need to focus more on the calories they chow down. Our trained and highly experienced dieticians provide a diet plan exclusively prepared for athletes or gym persons.

    Processed Foods

    Processed or junk food can help you to get rid of your hunger pangs. However, that can never be a long-term resolution for a starving body. These types of food are definitely tempting and make your tummy fill faster. But at the end of the day, your body needs energy derived only from the nutrients consumed. Processed foods lack the required nutrients and only help satiate your taste buds. Therefore, you must avoid consuming heavily processed servings of white bread and sugars as such foods cause bloating in your body. Shunning unhealthy saturated fats in fat loss is a boon; consuming healthy fats like avocados, olive oil, egg yolk, etc., can prove effective.

    Importance of Sleep

    A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book. Lucky are the people who can sleep appropriately throughout the night without any hindrances. Getting a night of proper sleep and following a good sleep cycle routine also helps you manage your weight. Today's young generation has an abysmal sleep cycle which is making them prone to several chronic diseases.

    Stress Levels

    Stress has become an inevitable part of our lives. Every person is suffering from stress for one reason or another. It is indeed not a great thing to have anxiety, as it causes various health issues. Living a stress-free balanced life is essential as it reduces hormonal imbalances inside your body. Hormonal disparity causes difficulty in losing weight as it is one of the main reasons for the persistent plateau. Hence, staying happy and tension-free can make your life fat-free too.

    Plenty of Soluble Fibers

    Soluble fiber absorbs water and thereby forms a gel that slows down the food passing through your digestive system. It slows down the process of digestion. Various studies show that this type of fiber is very beneficial in weight loss plateau as it makes you feel full. Excellent sources of soluble fiber include flaxseeds, legumes, avocados, blackberries, etc.

    High Protein Diet

    Protein is one of the most essential macronutrients for weight loss and weight management. High protein intakes increase PYY (fullness hormone) levels, which promotes ampleness and decreases your appetite. Foods like meat, fish, eggs, whey protein, beans, etc., are high in this nutrient. People dreaming of getting their bodies into shape must consume an adequate amount of it, which will serve as a boon. It helps in losing weight in a way that curbs the problem of regaining it back. Consuming protein in the right amount and in the right way helps get rid of abdominal fat. It also contributes to boosting your metabolism.

    Intermittent Fasting

    In a study on intermittent fasting, people experienced a 5-7 % decrease in abdominal fat within 7-24 weeks. It is an eating cycle that rotates between the time when you fast and when you eat. It is not a new way to achieve weight reduction. However, in the last few years, it has gained popularity across the globe as a new technique implemented in the journey of overcoming the weight-loss plateau. It helps boost the metabolism, which eventually helps accelerate losing the bulge from your waist. However, intermittent fasting works only if you are eating a healthy diet after fasting. The consumption of junk food after it can reverse its effects, making it null and void.

    Evaluating Your Dietary Habits

    It involves examining your food choices, portion sizes, and eating patterns. Look for potential pitfalls such as hidden calories, mindless snacking, or excessive intake of processed foods. Assess whether you are maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet that supports your weight loss goals. This evaluation can help identify areas for improvement, such as incorporating more whole foods, increasing fiber intake, or reducing added sugars. Making adjustments to your dietary habits can reignite weight loss progress and overcome the plateau.

    Dietary Tips

    1. Carb reduction is incredibly effective, as proven in various types of research. They help get your weight to move in the correct direction.
    2. Track what and how much you eat so as to keep a balance of everything.
    3. Consume protein. It helps overcome the weight loss plateau by boosting metabolism and calorie burning.
    4. Cut alcohol intake as it loosens inhibitions which promotes overeating.
    5. Eat more soluble fibers that can slow down the food movement through your digestive tract, which helps you feel fuller.
    6. Drink 7-8 glasses of water. It is necessary for weight loss plateaus as it increases metabolism up to 25-30 percent.
    7. Research proved that consuming caffeinated drinks subsequently shoots up the metabolism and effects of fat-burning exercises. Hence, add caffeinated beverages to your daily life.
    8. Increase your exercise intensity regularly, as reviving your exercise routine will reverse the weight loss plateau.
    9. Be as active as possible; involve yourself in outdoor sports. This can be a perfect option.
    10. Keep a check on the sleep cycle, and track the sleep hours. It plays a crucial role in the weight loss plateau, as sleeping for too long will reduce metabolism.

    Significant Beverages

    Green Tea

    Green tea is known as the supreme of all beverages. It is not only full of beneficial nutrients but also a complete package of anti-oxidants. Its numerous qualities make it one of the best beverages which can be consumed every day. It has also been shown as a catalyst for losing weight. It helps improve the metabolism, which in turn helps in the faster digestion of food, leaving a lesser amount of fat on the body. You can sip green tea twice a day. To make it taste better, you can add honey to it.

    Black Tea

    Just like green tea, black tea is also very beneficial for the body. Black tea contains polyphenols which help in reducing the intake of calories and aids in the weight loss process. It also boosts the growth of good bacteria in the guts, which results in the reduction of belly fat.

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    ACVs have gained a lot of attention lately. Due to its various medicinal properties, it has become one of the most accepted beverages. It contains acetic acid, which helps improve the digestive system and removes excess fat from the body. Consuming a spoonful of ACV before having breakfast can do wonders in your weight loss journey. Don't forget to add water, as this is acidic in nature, and it can affect your throat badly if consumed without water. You can add lemon juice and honey to improve its taste.

    Ginger Lemon Water


    Ginger and lemon have different qualities that make them so popular ingredients. Not only can they add flavor to a dish, but they also help improve the immune system and expedite the weight loss process. Add lime juice and ginger to lukewarm water. You can also add cumin powder according to your taste. This drink can be consumed before breakfast to get better and faster results.

    The Bottom Line

    There is no magic solution for losing persistent belly fat, and weight-loss plateaus can be very demoralizing, although it is a normal part of weight loss. Both require commitment, effort, hard work, and perseverance. Embracing some or all of the above strategies into your lifestyle will definitely help you.

    Many people also ask a general question, "I am eating less, but why am I still gaining weight?". It happens when you absorb more energy than you use; you tend to put on more weight. However, if you absorb less energy than you spend, you are in a position to gain lesser weight. Hence, if you are not doing any physical activity even after consuming less food, you will gain more body fat. Therefore, eating a good diet and working out becomes essential to keep your body fit and healthy.

    The experts suggest measuring your excessive fat and checking your waist size with the help of a measurement tape. Anything more than 40 inches in males and 35 inches in females is the excessive bulge you need to remove from your body. Our experts support you in keeping your body fat in control by providing the best meal plans. The specially customized diet plan as per your requirement can help you in achieving your dream of getting the desired body. We offer you programs for your eating habits. Whether you are looking for a vegan or a vegetarian meal plan, you will be provided with all kinds of nutritious meals plan in UAE. The diet plans can easily glide you towards freedom from a plateau and the bulge in the belly. Contact us to receive the best of the services without worrying about anything.

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